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Pretty in pink or bold in blue? Choose a theme that's right for you

Do you want the app to blend into your surroundings? Awake the artist within and make your screen pop every time you open the app. Choose from over a dozen system themes or roll up your sleeves and make your own creations.

Don't miss a single letter

Choose whichever theme you like and rest assured that you will be able to read every detail you need. Theme colors are carefully adjusted so that you can read the episodes titles and shownotes on every background color.

Take them with you

You can start from scratch or edit our system themes. Your full list of themes is synced to your account so you can pick one from any device.


Will my themes be accessible on other devices?

Yes! Your list of custom themes will sync across devices. Each device can have its own unique theme set, but you get to pick from all of the themes you've created on any device, as well as system themes.

Can I further customize existing themes?

Yes, you can make a copy of all our system themes if you want to fine-tune them. You can also copy your own themes. Build your own clone army of themes varying by one color!

What items can I customize?

Like everything in the app, we aim to give you full control, but with intelligent defaults so you can get going as quickly as possible.

Themes have two main properties: primary color and background color. You can actually generate vibrant themes by only setting these, e.g. orange-on-white, blue-on-gold, etc. Our theme wizard considers how to mix your colors as well as possible. You can even pick white-on-white and get back a usable, attractive, interface!

You can go well beyond the theme wizard's properties if you want to, though. There are properties for text color, play icons, navigation, and so on. In fact, many of our system themes are fully customized in this way to give just the right look, and you can do the same. But if you're pressed for time, we think you'll enjoy just picking two colors and watching the theme wizard work its magic!

Can I make Player FM auto-switch to dark or custom theme at certain time?

Sorry, no. You can use different themes on different devices, but no way to automatically switch themes. We plan to make this possible in the future.

How many themes can I create?

There's no strict limit on the amount of themes you can create. In practical terms, the interface displays these on a single-row carousel, so you'll probably want to limit to 20 or so.